Ridepooling in Europe: What services are offered where?
The benefits of ridepooling are being increasingly utilised. Between 2019 and 2022, the number of on-demand transport services in Germany grew to more than 80 - a record number. The potential is not only recognisable in Germany, but throughout Europe. We provide an overview of the European market.
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MOIA Mobility Consulting: Can ridepooling improve the mobility system in the Styrian Central Region?
With the help of various analysis tools, we evaluate how ridepooling services such as MOIA work in the mobility system of a new region and contribute to sustainable mobility. But how does such a process work? We will show you using our project in the Styrian Central Region in Austria.
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How can the mobility transition succeed in rural areas?
Prof Dr Jochen Eckart is a transport ecologist and, as a scientist, was involved in the ARD #besserBahnfahren campaign, which examined the importance of public transport in rural and urban areas, among other things. In this interview, he reveals the results of the survey that surprised him, the role he attributes to ridepooling services in the mobility transition and which mobility measure he currently considers to be the most urgent in order to protect the environment and climate.
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MOIA opens ridepooling ecosystem to cities and local transport operators
By introducing a licensing model, we are expanding our revenue model: in the future, we will also offer cities, transport companies and authorities all the necessary services related to ridepooling.
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ALIKE project: starting signal for autonomous ridepooling in Hamburg
With the ALIKE project, we are bringing autonomous ridepooling to the streets of Hamburg together with Hamburger Hochbahn and other partners. MOIA is taking on the role of both operator and tech provider for all vehicles. Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing personally handed over the €26 million funding decision for ALIKE at the end of October and took a test drive in the ID. Buzz AD.
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Our MOIA vehicle in the spotlight
Whenever a MOIA is on the road in Hamburg or Hanover, people are curious. Our vehicle clearly stands out from the other cars not only because of its pluto yellow colour, but also because of its size and noise. But these are by no means all the special features of our MOIA. In this article, you will find out everything about the first vehicle specially developed for ridepooling.
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How does Corporate Mobility work?
Around a third of the kilometres travelled in Germany are for work. Corporate mobility therefore plays an important role in the mobility revolution. Olga Nevska aims to electrify Telekom's entire fleet and talks about the challenges of this change and her own MaaS app "goodride" in an interview.
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A simple explanation of mobility terms: What are the differences between carsharing, ridepooling, ridesharing, ridehailing, and carpooling?
In a time, when traffic jams, parking problems, and high CO2 emissions are an afterthought, we will live in a world where people can get from place to place efficiently, comfortably and in an environmentally friendly way. We explain how on-demand concepts are already contributing to the mobility revolution today.
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Ines Kawgan-Kagan: "The transfer into every-day life is the biggest problem."
Mobility is strongly influenced by the male perspective. Ines Kawgan-Kagan has been working on the topics of mobility, transport and society with a focus on gender, diversity and inclusion. In this interview, she explains how mobility can be designed in a gender-neutral or inclusive way and how the needs of women can be considered in the development of innovative mobility solutions.
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